Core Python Programming – 3 Days Workshop

About Course
Day 1: Introduction to Python and Basic Concepts
Hour 1: Introduction to Python
- Topic: Getting Started with Python
- Content:
- Introduction to Python and its applications
- Installing Python and setting up the development environment (IDLE, Jupyter Notebook)
- Writing and running your first Python script
- Basic syntax and comments
- Activities:
- Install Python and set up the development environment
- Write and run a simple “Hello, World!” script
- Content:
Hour 2: Basic Data Types and Variables
- Topic: Understanding Data Types and Variables
- Content:
- Variables and data types (int, float, str, bool)
- Type conversion and typecasting
- Basic arithmetic operations
- String operations and formatting
- Activities:
- Declare variables of different data types
- Perform arithmetic operations
- Practice string concatenation and formatting
- Content:
Day 2: Control Flow and Functions
Hour 1: Control Flow
- Topic: Control Flow in Python
- Content:
- Conditional statements (if, elif, else)
- Looping constructs (for, while)
- Loop control statements (break, continue, pass)
- Activities:
- Write programs using conditional statements
- Implement loops to iterate through sequences
- Use loop control statements in practice scenarios
- Content:
Hour 2: Functions
- Topic: Defining and Using Functions
- Content:
- Defining functions with def keyword
- Function parameters and return values
- Variable scope (local and global variables)
- Lambda functions and basic usage
- Activities:
- Create functions to perform specific tasks
- Practice using parameters and return values
- Write lambda functions for simple operations
- Content:
Day 3: Data Structures and Basic Modules
Hour 1: Basic Data Structures
- Topic: Introduction to Data Structures
- Content:
- Lists and list operations
- Tuples and tuple operations
- Dictionaries and dictionary operations
- Sets and set operations
- Activities:
- Create and manipulate lists
- Work with tuples and understand immutability
- Use dictionaries to store key-value pairs
- Perform set operations like union, intersection, and difference
- Content:
Hour 2: Basic Modules and File Handling
- Topic: Using Modules and File Handling
- Content:
- Importing and using standard libraries (math, random, datetime)
- Reading from and writing to files
- Exception handling with try, except
- Activities:
- Import and use basic modules
- Write scripts to read from and write to text files
- Practice exception handling with file operations
- Content: